The FDA approved Rebyota, the first fecal microbiota product, for the prevention of recurrence of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in individuals 18 years of age and older. Rebyota is administered rectally as a single dose and is prepared from stool donated by qualified individuals.
Innovate UK KTN has launched the Phage Innovation Network to drive innovation in the regulation and development of phage technologies for applications across multiple sectors, ensuring the UK maintains its strong stance on tackling antimicrobial resistance. If you would like to get involved please reach out to Francesca Hodges on [email protected].
In a new paper in Viruses, Fedor Zurabov (MicroMir, Russia) and colleagues report that phage cocktails were safely administered to thirty patients after COVID-19.
In a new paper in Viruses, Maik Wolfram-Schauerte and colleagues (Max-Planck-Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology) apply transcriptomics and proteomics to characterize the temporal patterns of transcription and protein synthesis during T4 phage infection of E. coli.
Panagiotis Zagaliotis (Weill Cornell Medicine New York) and colleagues published a new review in Pathogens and Immunity on the therapeutic phages for Gram-negative bacterial infections in animals and humans.