C&T Round Up for July 2022!

Issue 186 | July 29, 2022
4 min read
Capsid and Tail

This week, we highlight the feature articles we published in July! Learn about Intralytix’s past and present, navigating complexity when you start making phages for therapy, and the new phage-bacteria interaction atlas the Gates Foundation is funding.

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PHAGE Journal is now indexed in PubMed Central and Scopus! The journal invites you to submit your manuscript for online publication.

What’s New

Paper: Comparative genomics of Acinetobacter baumannii and therapeutic bacteriophages from a patient undergoing phage therapy. (A follow-up on the Patterson case!)

Comparative genomicsPhage TherapyResearch paper

Paper: Cell-free production of personalized therapeutic phages targeting multidrug-resistant bacteria.

Cell-free phage productionPhage TherapyResearch paper

Paper: Transplantation of bacteriophages from ulcerative colitis patients shifts the gut bacteriome and exacerbates the severity of DSS colitis.

Gut microbiomeResearch paperUlcerative colitis

Paper: Anti-CRISPR prediction using deep learning reveals an inhibitor of Cas13b nucleases.

Anti-CRISPRResearch paper

Paper: Phage long tail fiber protein-immobilized magnetic nanoparticles for rapid and ultrasensitive detection of Salmonella.

Phage biologyPhage-host interactionsResearch paper

Latest Jobs

Multiple positions
Several positions: at the Gurney lab at GSU in Atlanta, Georgia. Interested in working on phage coevolution and phage therapy? Hiring grad students (funded 5 yr), research tech (3 yr), and a 2 year funded postdoc. Send Dr. Gurney your CV and personal statement. Subject line GurneyLab: Jamesrgurney@gmail.com.
Post Doc
Postdoc: Interested in applying computational approaches to address translational questions in infectious diseases? We’re recruiting a postdoc to work on studies involving phages and cfDNA. — Paul Bollyky on Twitter
PhD project
PhD Fellowship in Microbiology in bacteria-phage interaction at University of Copenhagen.
PhD project
PhD project: Longitudinal carriage of temperate phages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their role in the chronically infected lung at Northumbria University.
PhD project
Doctoral Researcher within the Academy of Finland research project “Ecology of bacteriophages in mucosa during vertebrate host lifespan” at University of Jyväskylä.
Research Scientist
Research Scientist to join the Laboratory of Dr Evelien Adriaenssens in the Gut Microbes and Health Programme at Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB), based in Norwich, UK.
Post Doc
Postdoctoral Fellowship in phage microbiology with CSIRO in Tasmania, Australia.
PhD project
PhD position to study infection mechanisms of archaeal viruses at University of Groningen.

Community Board

Anyone can post a message to the phage community — and it could be anything from collaboration requests, post-doc searches, sequencing help — just ask!

Never miss another phage event or deadline — you can now subscribe to Phage Calendar! Thanks to Sayde Perry, one of our star Phage Directory volunteers, for setting it up!

Subscribe to the Google calendar here.

If you use iCal, add it to your calendar with this .ics file.

Currently we’re adding conferences and deadlines to register for phage-related events and beyond. If you have anything you’d like to add to the calendar, fill out this form — please include the name, date(s), URL and optional short description.

CalendarEventsPhage Directory

Register to attend The Phage Canada Virtual Symposia 2022! This virtual event will be held August 17th - 19th and aims to promote the exchange of ideas within the phage field, provide a forum for students and postdocs to present their research and foster interactions between phage researchers. Deadline to register is Aug 13.

Virtual Event

C&T Round Up for July 2022!

Profile Image
Phage microbiologist and co-founder of Phage Directory
Co-founderPostdoctoral Researcher
Iredell Lab, Phage Directory, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Sydney, Australia, Phage Australia

Phage characterization, Phage-host interactions, Phage Therapy, Molecular Biology

I’m a co-founder of Phage Directory and have a Ph.D in Microbiology and Biotechnology from the University of Alberta (I studied Campylobacter phage biology). For Phage Directory, I oversee community building, phage sourcing, communications, science, and our awesome team of volunteers.

As of Feb 2022, I’ve recently joined Jon Iredell’s group in Sydney, Australia as a postdoctoral research scientist for the Phage Australia project. I’m diving back into the lab to help get Phage Australia’s country-wide phage therapy system up and running here, working to streamline workflows for phage sourcing, biobanking and collection of phage/bacteria/patient matching and monitoring data, and integrating it all with Phage Directory’s phage exchange, phage alerts and phage atlas systems. I’m also delving into phage manufacturing and quality control.

In this month’s Capsid & Tail Monthly Round Up issue, we’re highlighting the three feature articles we published in July. Be sure to check them out if you missed them, and let us know if you have thoughts, comments or questions! Reach us anytime by email or Slack!

C&T Throwback!

There’s lots of great phage stuff in the C&T archive! Check out this article on phage therapy in the human gut by Sabrina Green.

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Capsid & Tail

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We send Phage Alerts to the community when doctors require phages to treat their patient’s infections. If you need phages, please email us.

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In collaboration with

Mary Ann Liebert PHAGE

Supported by

Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

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