Our Phage Picks for July 2024!

Issue 273 | July 12, 2024
13 min read
Capsid and Tail

It’s Phage Picks time! This week we’ve got the fifth rendition of our new format, where we share the papers we keep bookmarked, and keep coming back to.

What’s New

Andreas Brödel (Eligo Biosciences) and colleagues have successfully edited E. coli genes in the mouse gut using engineered phages. They used (non-replicative) phage to deliver a base editor, and achieved >90% modification without adverse effects. Edited bacteria were stably maintained in the mouse gut for at least 42 days following treatment.

Gut BacteriaGene EditingMice

Fereshteh Bayat (McMaster University) and colleagues have designed a high-throughput phage screening platform comprised of a portable library of individual shelf-stable, ready-to-use phages, in solid tablets that include a phage + luciferin + luciferase. Best of all, their phage susceptibility test takes 30-120 min!

High throughputPhage susceptibility testMethod

Hannelore Longin (KU Leuven, Belgium) and colleagues have reviewed the emerging role of posttranslational modifications during phage-bacteria interactions, highlighting their potential impact on protein behavior and suggesting a comprehensive, multipronged pipeline (based on bioinformatics, mass spec, multi-omics, structural biology and mutational studies) to help drive this field forward.

Phage-Bacteria InteractionsPosttranslational ModificationsEnzyme Discovery

Emma Spencer (University of Idaho) and colleagues published a new preprint on phages of honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. They looked at resistance evolution and how phage resistant isolates developed reduced pathogenicity — and phages also developed counterresistance — a good sign for the bees!

Phage resistanceResearch paperPhage-host interactions

Latest Jobs

Prof. Dick de Ridder’s Bioinformatics Group and Prof. Bas Zwaan’s Laboratory of Genetics at Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands are seeking a PhD candidate to study the spatiotemporal diversity of phages. This role will combine bioinformatics and mathematical modeling to study evolutionary factors impacting phage diversity.
University of Leicester, UK is hiring a Research Technician to study dental phages and their interactions with oral pathogens.
Phage ResearchPostdoc PositionsCareer Opportunities
Phagos (France) is hiring for various roles, including bioprocess and formulation engineers and lab technicians/assistants to advance phage therapy and research.

Community Board

Anyone can post a message to the phage community — and it could be anything from collaboration requests, post-doc searches, sequencing help — just ask!

On Nov 19-20, the International Alliance for Biological Standardization (Amsterdam, Netherlands) is hosting a virtual scientific workshop about the veterinary use of phages, specifically looking at quality, safety and efficacy. Speakers from Zoetis, Queen Astrid Military Hospital, and more! Submit posters by Sept 16.

StandardsVeterinary UseWorkshop

In a recent episode of the PhageCast podcast, Graham Hatfull (University of Pittsburgh) discusses the importance of mycobacteriophages and their potential for phage therapy against M. abscessus.

PodcastPhage TherapyMycobacterium abscessus

IPATH is calling for labs to help find Achromobacter phages for an upcoming clinical trial for cystic fibrosis with phage therapy, inviting contributions and further information via email at [email protected].

AchromobacterClinical TrialCystic Fibrosis

Cytophage Technologies Ltd. have shared the recording of their first investor call since becoming a public company.

Biotech newsCommercializationPhage therapy

The DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) is hosting the “VEGA 2024: Viral EcoGenomics and Applications” symposium, taking place on November 12-13, 2024, in Berkeley, California. The symposium aims to bring together the viral ecogenomics community to discuss capturing and characterizing uncultivated viruses, understanding their ecological roles, and exploring their biotechnological potential.

Viral EcoGenomicsPhage ApplicationsIMG/VR

Our Phage Picks for July 2024!

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Product designer and co-founder of Phage Directory
Co-founderProduct Designer
Twitter @yawnxyz

Bioinformatics, Data Science, UX Design, Full-stack Engineering

I am a co-founder of Phage Directory, and have a Master of Human-Computer Interaction degree from Carnegie Mellon University and a computer science and psychology background from UMBC.

For Phage Directory, I design and build tools, and help write and organize Capsid & Tail.

I’ve previously worked at the Westmead Institute, for the Iredell lab at Phage Australia. There, I helped connect bioinformatics outputs and databases like REDCap, Google Drive, and S3-compatible storage systems.

Currently, I’m building and designing AI-centric tools for biology, including experimenting with protein models, biobank databases, AI-supported schema and data parsing, and bioinformatics workflows. Hit me up at [email protected] if you’re curious to collaborate!

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Phage microbiologist and co-founder of Phage Directory

Phage characterization, Phage-host interactions, Phage Therapy, Molecular Biology, Phage manufacturing

I’m a co-founder of Phage Directory and have a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Alberta (I studied Campylobacter phage biology). For Phage Directory, I help physicians find phages for their patients, and I’m always trying to find new ways to help the phage field grow (especially through connecting people and highlighting awesome stuff I see happening in the field).

I spent 2022-2024 as a postdoc in Jon Iredell’s group at Westmead Institute for Medical Research in Sydney, Australia, helping get Phage Australia off the ground. I helped set up workflows for phage sourcing, biobanking, diagnostics, production, purification and QC of therapeutic phage batches, and helped build data collection systems to track everything we did. We treated more than a dozen patients in our first year, and I’m so proud of that!

In 2024, I’ll be starting a new (phage-y) chapter back in North America… stay tuned!

Hey hey phage phans,

It’s time again for our most well-loved post format — Phage Picks!

Jess and I run across papers that are so cool, we absolutely have to bookmark them. Those become our Phage Picks!

These are a small fraction of Picks from June/July… the phage field has absolutely been on fire recently, and we regularly find way more papers than we’re able to post (or read).

If YOU have a favorite phage paper (or article) we haven’t posted — email them to me and I’ll have a GUEST PICK every month. Just tell us what the paper is about, and why you’re excited about it. Who wants to be first??

Oh, Phage Picks by the numbers have done way better than any of our other Capsid formats — but we haven’t heard about the format much. Let me ([email protected]) know what you love (or hate) about it!

~ Jan

How AI Revolutionized Protein Science, but Didn’t End It

What is it about?

This article is about how AlphaFold came into the field of protein science, and how it’s changed computational biology.

Why I’m excited about it:

Though AI has only somewhat crept into the phage field, this article is a good indicator of what’s coming down the pike. The reason I’m picking more and more ML, AI, and data-centric phage articles is because I think biology will lean more and more towards the computational side of things. (And that’s because I’m biased and come from the computational side!)

On another note — we read a fair bit of posts and articles about and around technology x biology that are not explicitly phage related. I’ve been reluctant to share them on Capsid & Tail in order to keep C&T phage-focused… but I think some cross-pollination might be interesting for the field!

Let me know if more articles like this one are helpful!

~ Jan

Article: https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-ai-revolutionized-protein-science-but-didnt-end-it-20240626/

Also, we read a fair bit of posts and articles about and around technology x biology that are not explicitly phage related. I’ve been reluctant to share them on Capsid & Tail in order to keep C&T phage-focused… but I think some cross-pollination might actually be interesting for the field.

Protocol for phage matching, treatment, and monitoring for compassionate bacteriophage use in non-resolving infections

What is it about?

This is an in-depth protocol describing how the Israeli Phage Therapy Center (IPTC) does phage therapy. This is a ‘STAR Protocol’ that’s associated with a paper from the same group, which showed how one phage, PASA16, was used across multiple patients around the world. (This is actually one of the phages we borrowed and used in Australia, and the one that saved 7-year-old Dhanvi’s leg in 2019!).

Why I’m excited about it:

Most may be more excited about the clinical case series paper, but I’m particularly into this methods paper they published alongside it. For some reason, comparing how phage therapy centers do things around the world has become my new nerd hobby…

I just think it’s so great to see a phage therapy center put together their roadmap, especially when it involves not just the phage science, but the whole process from communicating with clinicians, selecting patients, to picking phages and purifying them, to monitoring the phage therapy during treatment and tracking patient data. It’s a huge undertaking, but it illustrates how much the challenges of phage therapy go beyond the science (while still being inextricably linked to it at almost every step!).

I also especially love how this paper lays out the timing for their steps (e.g. 22 days for phage banking!), and how detailed the methods are.

Ultimately I think the more centers communicate their process, the easier it will be for new centers to get up and running. As I’ve written about before, it was because of protocols like these (shout out to my good friend Phage on Tap, as well as another memorable paper from the IPTC group called Clinical Phage Microbiology, plus countless more, that it was even possible for us to set up our phage therapy system in Australia given the time, resource, and manpower (womanpower?) constraints we had.

As for the details, I still need to go through this lovely protocol paper with a fine toothed comb and compare to how we did things at Phage Australia! I may put together a summary table and make that its own post one day…

~ Jessica

Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266616672400114X

Onallah, H., Yerushalmy, O., Braunstein, R., Alkalay-Oren, S., Rimon, A., Gelman, D., Coppenhagen-Glazer, S., Hazan, R., & Nir-Paz, R. (2024). Protocol for phage matching, treatment, and monitoring for compassionate bacteriophage use in non-resolving infections. In STAR Protocols (Vol. 5, Issue 2, p. 102949). Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2024.102949

Micro-plaque assays: A high-throughput method to detect, isolate, and characterize bacteriophages

What is it about?

In this paper, the authors developed a high-throughput assay to detect / isolate / characterize phages, by creating “micro colonies” using a Singer Rotor HDA. If you’re new to the Rotor, it’s basically high-precision, tiny stabby needle. The Singer creates overlays at a 1536-per plate density! That’s a pretty high throughput!

Each colony is just 2mm in size, but apparently that’s large enough to even observe individual plaques with morphologies. The team then used this tool to create a phind assay to test 1536 independent host-phage pairings — all while generating a massive phage library.

Why I’m excited about it:

We’ve come across few teams that have access to these massive (and fun!) machines, and the Hynes lab has done some really exciting stuff with the Singer (we visited them in-person a few years ago).

When you have access to something this high-throughput, it really changes perspective on what you can get done, and what can be done. Of course, I’m excited to get my hands on one of these to do some really-high-throughput data collection experiments for building more phage/host prediction models!

~ Jan

Paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.06.20.599855v1

Gayatri Nair, Alejandra Chavez-Carbajal, Rachelle Di Tullio, Shawn French, Dhanyasri Maddiboina, Hanjeong Harvey, Sara Dizzell, Eric D. Brown, Zeinab Hosseini-Doust, Michael G. Surette, Lori L. Burrows, Alexander P. Hynes
bioRxiv 2024.06.20.599855; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.20.599855

Going viral: The role of mobile genetic elements in bacterial immunity

What is it about?

The authors looked at mobile genetic elements and their role in bacterial immunity — and looked at their effect on bacterial defense systems.

Why I’m excited about it:

Phages, plasmids, satellites, whatever… are all “mobile genetic elements” seem to all have the ability carry some kind of defense system. And these encode the bacterial defense systems against MGEs. Basically, MGEs are the sword and the shield.

As someone coming from data engineering, I think it’s powerful to classify phages as part of a wider set of genetic elements that can be moved in and out of (and wielded by) bacteria, or other elements. I’m thinking of it like LEGO blocks. These blocks can be assembled for a specific use — offense, defense, and who knows what.

Since I’m interested in phage/host predictions and building systems that help us detect “weird bacterial offense and defense systems” — I think from a data and genomic perspective, we should be thinking about phages as part of a wider arsenal of mobile genetic elements we can wield for therapy, and for prediction.

And I’m starting to think that instead of “phage x HOST prediction” data engineers and bioinformaticians should think of “bacteria x mobile genetic element co-evolution prediction.”

~ Jan

Unfortunately this article is closed source, please email the authors for access: [email protected] [email protected]

Paper: https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/abstract/S1931-3128(24)00189-6

Beamud, B., Benz, F., & Bikard, D. (2024). Going viral: The role of mobile genetic elements in bacterial immunity. In Cell Host & Microbe (Vol. 32, Issue 6, pp. 804–819). Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chom.2024.05.017

A phage tail–like bacteriocin suppresses competitors in metapopulations of pathogenic bacteria

What is it about?

The authors found a conserved mobile genetic element across a bunch of plant bacteria… a prophage? A tailocin?… that the host bacteria was wielding as a weapon against other bacteria!

Basically it’s a tailocin that target outer membranes against very specific strains — so it’s a “weapon” used in competition and coevolution between bacterial populations.

The authors note that these tailocins can be engineered to have new specificities — and to be strain-specific antibiotics. And — because these tailocin-as-stabby-sword-mechanics seems to have been around for ~200 years — it opens up more questions around evolution and resistance.

Why I’m excited about it:

Maybe it’s possible to create highly-specific tailocin cocktails, as targeted antimicrobials?

The paper was looking at plant bacteria — if these tailocin dynamics have been around for hundreds of years, could we use them to help control plant pathogens for agriculture?

A few groups have worked on bacteriocin / tailocin treatments before, and I think I’ve read that they’re kind of hard to produce and not always stable. I’m curious though, if we’re able to “print” these tailocins fairly easily, and use them as a way to train / co-evolve bacteria in a deterministic way, similar to how we use Appelman’s? (Eventually, can we predict how tailocins affect bacterial evolution)

~ Jan

Unfortunately this article is closed source, please email the authors for access: [email protected] (H.A.B.); [email protected]

Tweet: https://twitter.com/hernanaburbano/status/1801388936000061918

Paper: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado0713

Backman, T., Latorre, S. M., Symeonidi, E., Muszyński, A., Bleak, E., Eads, L., Martinez-Koury, P. I., Som, S., Hawks, A., Gloss, A. D., Belnap, D. M., Manuel, A. M., Deutschbauer, A. M., Bergelson, J., Azadi, P., Burbano, H. A., & Karasov, T. L. (2024). A phage tail–like bacteriocin suppresses competitors in metapopulations of pathogenic bacteria. In Science (Vol. 384, Issue 6701). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ado0713

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Mary Ann Liebert PHAGE

Supported by

Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

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