Last week, in collaboration with Dr. Betty Kutter and her unstoppable team of phage enthusiasts, we helped run the iconic 24th Biennial Evergreen International Phage Meeting — but with a twist! This time it was a hybrid virtual/in-person event! We are overjoyed with how it went, and so grateful for the incredible engagement of the phage community. Over 500 people registered, 64 of whom (who were lucky enough to be vaccinated and able/ready to travel) attended in person!
We’ve now got >100 videos for you to watch, as nearly everything was recorded, and a giant poster & abstract library for you to peruse!
If you missed the event — don’t worry! — all recordings are staying up until December 2021, so you can still register at to view our treasure trove of posters and talks, and workshops.
Plus, read on for a thank-you letter from Betty!

A subset of the Evergreen in-person participants!
A letter from Betty Kutter
Dear Evergreen Phage Conference attendees,
I would like to take this time to thank you for attending the meeting, participating in the workshops and events that occurred during last week. Without your contributions and participation, this event would not have been possible. It was lovely to get to spend this past week with you, listening to the exciting work being done in the field around the world and connecting with you through the multiple events that were planned both for the community online and here in Olympia.
The goal of this meeting has been to provide the ever-broadening phage community an opportunity to connect and build strong relationships, share skills and ideas, leading to new insights and collaborations. Despite the challenges the world is facing, I was excited to know that over 500 participants were able to attend 24th edition of the Biennial Evergreen International Phage Meeting, our first-ever attempt at organizing a hybrid event, which I hope you enjoyed as much as me.
The Evergreen International Phage Meeting, the PhageBiotics Research Foundation and I would like to thank and acknowledge Jessica Sacher and Jan Zheng from Phage Directory, whose expertise and support were essential for the success of this event. To keep up with global phage research, news, phage requests & community updates of all kinds, we invite you to subscribe to Capsid & Tail, Phage Directory’s weekly email newsletter (
We would like to particularly thank TAILOR labs at Baylor College of Medicine, Jafral and PhagePro for their participation and financial support, which allowed young scholars from various places in the world to attend the meeting.
Recordings for the 24th Biennial Evergreen International phage meeting and the workshops can be found on the conference website (Speakers Page). You may access them using your registration code, or you may still register on our conference site to view the recordings and posters.
We will keep these recordings available for those who register at least until December 1, 2021, unless specifically asked by the presenters to remove them from the website.
I wish you all could have been here but I am aware that this hybrid format allowed people from around the world to attend and participate, many of whom I have had the opportunity to interact with, in previous events. We want to continue to do this in the future for the ever-growing phage community.
Thank you again for joining us! Hope to see you soon!
— Betty Kutter

Evergreen virtual participants from around the world!
A few stats on the meeting
64 attended in person
504 total signups (virtual + in-person)
What’s available on the Evergreen 2021 site
(Available now until December 1, 2021; registration still possible post-conference for a limited time!)
- 90 recorded oral presentations (including all full speaker sessions and Q&A periods, for both in-person and virtual talks, as well as individually-tagged videos by speaker and topic)
- 116 abstracts
- 40 posters
- 44 video poster walkthroughs
- 3 recorded workshops
- Tobi Nagel’s ‘Drug Development Considerations for Phage Products’ workshop
- Adriana Hernandez and Justin Clark’s genome annotation workshop
- Ramy Aziz and Rebecca Wattam’s PATRIC genome annotation workshop
Want to easily navigate what happened when? The conference schedule is still up on the site!
Watch history to date
- Our Evergreen 2021 videos have gotten 2,093 views to date!
- Collective watch time: 388.4 hours
- We’ve had 423 unique viewers! (the majority of our 504 signups!)
- Most popular recording watched to date: Monday PM Full Session (282 views, 75 h watch time)

Phage phriends phorever!
Abstract book
The Evergreen Abstract book is now available for download!
It’s not over!
- The community is still averaging around 21 h of Evergreen video watch time a day, even the week after the conference!
- We are still keeping registration open for a limited time, for those who want to take part in the asynchronous virtual experience of Evergreen.
- Want to chat with participants & presenters? Join the Phage Directory Slack community’s #Evergreen channel (and/or feel free to chat in other channels too!)
One last special shout-out to our amazing organizing team
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this event possible, especially to:
Coordinating Committee Chair: Elizabeth Kutter
Operations, Registration & Payments, Scholarships, Attendance Certificates: Ria Kaelin
Session, Poster, Workshop Scheduling, Scientific Advisor: Adriana Hernandez-Morales
Technical & Design Lead: Jan Zheng
Video, Abstract, Poster Data Team: Chelsey Anderson, Susan Lehman
Zoom Sessions: Jessica Sacher, Adriana Hernandez-Morales
Phage Phun sessions: Jessica Sacher, Stephanie Lynch
Venue: the staff at the Olympia Hotel at Capital Lake — especially Dominic, who was our audio-visual master throughout the week!!
More pictures on the Evergreen conference homepage!
Many thanks to Atif Khan for finding and summarizing this week’s phage news, jobs and community posts!